2nd Grade Similes

The second grade computer class illustrated similes using Microsoft Paint, and then inserted their drawings into Microsoft Word where they keyed a sentence to go with the illustrations. Then they formatted the size and color of the font. Other skills practiced in this lesson include saving and naming files and opening files.

A simile is a figure of speech in which two things are compared, often using the words like or as.

She is as fat as an elephant!

by Whitney


The snake was as tall as the school.

by Zach


He is as small as an ant.

by Riann

He was as skinny as a snake.

by Seth

Miss VanSoest is as fast as a jet.

by Devon


She was as cute as a kitten.

by Sara

The man is as tall as a skyscraper!

by Devin

Alyssa is as fast as a cheetah!

by Nicole

Miss Cauliflower is as fat as a dog.

by Emily

She is as slow as a snail.

by Lance

She was as tall as a tree.

by Anna